Saturday, February 28, 2009


I was walking along the corridor when my phone rang and an unfamiliar number flashed across the screen. Against my better judgement I thought I would answer it anyway. It turned out to be some woman named Suzanne who wanted to know if she was talking to a Mr Hafez.

Then it started to get weird. Did I take a picture of myself jumping? With my hands up in the air?

That telemarketer-like call turned out to be Suzanne Walker from 91.3fm. She was calling me to tell me that I had won tickets to watch Watchmen this coming Monday. Apparently without my knowledge Sidah and Khairul had endeavoured to send in an entry for a contest to the station. They did this just hours before while I was stuck in the meeting.

The contest was to send in photos of people in the most superheroic poses they could find. I don't think mine was the best - but it was good enough to win the pair of tickets. More importantly it was for a movie I really wanted to watch.


Let's hope it's half as good as the comic.


Anonymous said...

Hahahaha... that was quite cute! Superhero sehhh!!

Anonymous said...

Hafiizh you should put up the photo that we sent! hahaha! im sure it's the best photo hence winning the tickets!----Sidah