Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Khairul

I used to have everyone's birthdays diligently noted in my computer. Chicks love it when a guy takes the effort to remember. Unfortunately the crash of 2005 meant I lost everything.

That loss was felt yet again this year when we couldn't remember Khai's birthdate. We were divided between the pro-thirteenths and cannotbethirteenths. In the end we celebrated his birthday with durian cake and his neon-green G-shock gift a day early yesterday on the 12th.

That meant that we had to come up with some way to commemorate today. The birthday boy even came prepared with a change of clothes. I guess he was expecting some sort of hydrotherapy. The truth was we had no idea what to do.

Cue newspaper and masking tape.


Halfway through our mission, we were caught in the act. Khai came at us with his supersoaker. He was still on the clock so he couldn't leave the school compound so we just took cover behind the car. We managed to finish that side before we made our great escape.

Happy birthday to our brudder Khai.

