Sunday, September 09, 2007

Rainbow DnD 2007

Heh sorry guys for the late updates.

Anyway last Friday was Teacher's Day and Rainbow Centre had its annual Dinner and Dance. It was also the 20th anniversary of RC so we all were encouraged to remember the good times.

The next week was the one-week September holidays. I was celebrating Teacher's Day my own way - by taking MC on Thursday and early super long weekend. So I was in two minds about going but in the end, makan free pe so takkan nak tolak rezeki plak.

I consoled myself that no matter how bad it was at least I was at a table with some of my closest colleagues.

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I didn't win a single thing in the lucky draw. And the food was terrible. You wouldn't know it by looking at Suryani though.

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Oklah she wasn't that hungry. She was just doing most of the serving. Hey, I had bruised ribs ok. It hurt to stretch.

Of course the food was not really important. D&D is just an excuse to take pictures with everyone dolled up!

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Ok so most people dolled up. I just wore what I wear to weddings hehehe. Thankfully not everyone was into suits. I go for simple wear anyday!

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Some pictures are more memorable than others because of the nostalgia factor. For example this picture with my first and best class partner. Talib and I had a real ball when we had a whole classroom practically to ourselves. Ah the good old days of low teacher-student ratios.

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Usually we just stand and pose when taking pictures among us guys. When we take unisex photos however, you can't fail to notice the height disparity between the girls and guys in our school.

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But hey the different heights make for good group photos.

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In this picture we just bent our knees to Su's height. Hey you couldn't tell from the picture but my knees hurt!

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Much easier to sit down.

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Unfortunately Imran and I always had problems sitting straight when we sit. Weird.

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There was hardly any dancing. It was pretty dead. Yazid and I tried to reflect this in our picture. That's Yazid trying to look sad.

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Now that I look at it, Yazid would have looked very freaky if he was on his own in that frame. Especially in that suit. Funeral photographs come to mind.

The frame proved very popular with everybody. I guess if you saw someone holding up a frame, you knew it was one of those photo moments. Cameras came up everywhere.

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All those cameras and all I got was this lousy picture.

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When you put all the pictures together, it looks like one of those behind-the-scenes kinda shots.

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You can see how we actually managed to squeeze ourselves into the frame. More importantly you wonder whose hand was that holding the frame? And why? It's paper mache, it's not that heavy...

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Apparently some guys didn't get the concept of being "in the frame".

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Su was kinda irritated with my bunny pose when she saw how the photo turned out. She much preferred traditional poses. Boring kan!

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Some photos took a few shots to get it right. But it was worth the trouble!

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Thankfully the night wasn't a total waste. I wanted to just call it a night but Khai insisted we all tried to find some dancing to do in the building. So we all (the happening people) went up to the 70th floor.

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Lovely view but the dancing was much better here too.

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Ok so my dancing was still the same bad dancing. What's new.

Nobody brought a cam up so I just used my phone. Can u spot the difference between these 2 pictures?

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Hint : Wearing black.

Here's another try if you got the previous one wrong. What's different in these 2 pictures?

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Hint : Wearing black again.

In the end, our group whittled down to these 5 survivors.

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I think by the time we had supper and reached out respective houses, it was almost subuh. Oh well, more pictures to come if I ever get them. Thanks to Suryani, Faizzah and Sidah. I really should get my own camera.

Here's to another year of teaching!