Monday, September 10, 2007

Mah Motors Open House

Mah Motors is probably one of the biggest bikeshops in Singapore. They were having an open house so Suhaimi and I decided to drop by.

There was one thing that really caught my eye - cheap fullface helmets!!

I like red!

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Don't you think it matches my bike?

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The price on the display said $80. When we asked however, apparently only one row of the helmets were at that price. The red one I had my eye on was $130 after discount! Sigh.

For $80 I could get this.

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I decided to think it over as we explored the rest of the open house. This bag I liked because it could hold a fullface helmet easily. Unfortunately it has little space to store anything else but hey, I could sure use it!

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At about $90, it cost more than the $80 helmet though.

I also managed to psych Suhaimi into getting on the bike he intends to buy. Must psych him to add me as subrider....

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In the end Suhaimi and I both ended up grabbing a helmet each. He wore his straight out of the shop.

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I waited till I got home before gleefully unwrapping my new fullface helmet.

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Now if only I had enough money left for a decent red raincoat....