Monday, May 21, 2007

Of weekends and to do lists

So here I am after midnight on a Monday morning with work looming in a few hours' time typing on my computer and wondering where had my weekend gone.

Now I can't sleep. This past week I've taken to writing things down in an old notebook I found and taking pleasure in crossing out the tasks I've completed. I think some people have called this a to-do list.

So now when I get sleepless, like tonight, I look at my list and see what I can cross out. In the past 15 minutes I've cleaned and wiped my helmet visors, took out the inner lining of the helmets to put in the wash, filed the letters and correspondence I've received this past week, tidied up my desk and am seriously considering riding out to return my DVDs due today.

I get things done but lose sleep.

The upside is I get my best ideas at these times. Like now I'm realizing that I'm exhausted because I had a busy weekend. So I had no time to rest.

There's no way I can not go out on the weekends so I'm thinking to overcome this I should devote my weekdays to resting. So no more late nights. Early to bed and sleep sleep sleep. That should be my weekday routine.


I better write that down on my to do list.