Sunday, May 13, 2007

Of Meetings and Birthdays

Saturdays are not meant for waking up early to head to Margaret Drive for the Annual General Meeting. Especially when you sit through it to find out that maybe the measly 3-5% increase in civil servants pay won't really trickle down to you after GST, CPF and whatnot.

It ended well though. I received my 2nd runner's up trophy for the badminton tournament and a pair of Swensen's vouchers (don't ask how much, it makes me sad esp when I realized I have to split it with my doubles partner). Then they had a mini lucky draw from the uncollected prizes from the last D&D. They should have lucky draws at every meeting!

Taken on k750i

Arzme my doubles partner even picked up (ladies') fragrances so I hope he won't ask for the Swensens' vouchers....

After that Khai gathered the gang up to head to West Coast for a birthday treat. He treat everybody and all we got him was a cake.

Taken on k750i

Wan got Khai and Germ posters too as birthday gifts.

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As you can see, Germ was more surprised than Khai...

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So the saturday didn't turn out so bad after all.