Thursday, October 11, 2007


2 days before raya my mum sent me to the NTUC for the umpteenth time to buy 30 cents worth of daun pandan.

I must have been gone for less than 15 minutes. When I got back, I found pieces of windshield on my seat.


Thing is I was fasting so I couldn't beat up anyone. Some guy from the nearby bus stop came over to tell me he saw a pickup back into my bike. The uncle apparently picked the bike up so he thought the guy was going to wait for me. Next thing he knew the uncle had sped away.


All I could do was ride back to my parking lot to inspect the damages.

The front windshield was gone.

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As was the right side mirror. It must have dropped on the right side.

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Huge scratch on the tank.

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Even the rear seat was chipped. And I had just rewrapped it about a week ago!

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It was late, almost buka time so I had to put off the repairs till the next day.

Luckily I had the necessary tools.

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I had to unscrew the whole upper part and get rid of the broken pieces.

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New double bubble windshield - $23.

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New side mirrors - $30.

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I managed to bargain with the LAB uncle to $50. Too tired to push for more discount.

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I'm broke even before raya! Maybe my raya ang pows should be reduced to $2.....