Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Busy Busy Busy

I just realized the last time I published on the blog it was exactly a month ago, 28 Jan 2007 to be exact!

Since then a lot of (boring) stuff have happened - most significant being that I have left NIE and am now back in Balestier for my TP (that's Teaching Practicum for the non-cikgus among you). As much as I whined and complained about NIE, I really missed the breaks after every hour of class. No such luck when you're in a classroom teaching.

I'm still adjusting to the change and it didn't help that we had barely enough time to adjust and prepare before given our class placements. I think every one of my coursemates were longing for a break after the flurry of assignments. Fat hope.

It's been so hectic that I almost missed renewing my road tax. Curse February and its deceptively short month. My bike was in the workshop and it just struck me that today was the due date.

Thankfully I took a risk to go down to get my bike even though no one answered calls to the workshop. I had earlier called them to tell them there was no way I could collect it in the pouring rain. I was very very lucky to catch the owner just as he was walking out. He'd already locked up for the day but turned around to head back the moment he recognized me walking up the path.

Then I was speeding my way to the inspection centre and made it with minutes to spare. I just made their 5.30 closing time. Then I realized that I forgot my road tax letter. Great.

I pretty much gave up and went home. Until I remembered that the post office at the airport was pretty much 24hrs. Actually I checked it up on the net and the airport post office closed at midnight. More importantly there WERE post offices opened till late - in particular the one at Towner Road. It closes at 8pm but only on Wednesdays.

There is a God.